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Week kicks off on a high

High air pressure will bring a return to settled weather this week according to the Weather Watch Centre

Head weather analyst Philip Duncan says the anticyclone will bring hot days, cooler nights and dry weather to almost all of New Zealand.  “This is a nice big summer high…it moved in during Sunday kicking Friday and Saturday’s storm out into the Pacific and should last much of the week”.

“Clear skies and lower humidity means sunny, hot days and slightly cooler nights – good news for those who can’t sleep with higher humidity”.

Mr Duncan says the high will be felt in most places, but especially the North Island.

“As we move towards the end of the week a low south of the country will push against the lower South Island – that’s likely to bring sweltering nor’westers to the east and heavy rain again for the West Coast”.

The Weather Watch Centre has also noticed a slight increase in unstable conditions north of New Zealand.  It says when the high finally leaves New Zealand, perhaps this weekend, it could open the way for more showers and humid weather from the north.

“It’s definitely a wait and see game…but the sub-tropics are getting more active now, as you’d expect as we get nearer to the middle of the cyclone season when seas in the South Pacific are at their warmest”.


Derek Butcher on 4/01/2009 11:19pm

Absolutely great weather in Whangarei over the weekend but the sudden change to a cooler southerly breeze was very noticable in as much as this morning I thought it was quite cool after what we have had. Beaut day though and the energy level has increased to the point I feel like doing some work, at home that is…

Great for the holidaymakers up this way and I think Northland as a whole has enjoyed quite good weather since before Christmas.

I was reading an item in today’s news about moving the main Christmas holiday period into February, so people can enjoy better settled summer weather instead of the very changeable and uncertain stuff we usually get at the end of December through into January, as when everyone returns to work/school summer arrives. I think I would agree on this and maybe it should be looked into further.

As for the increased activity up in the tropics I hope it does not give us any cyclone trouble, do not really need that.

LJ on 5/01/2009 2:22am

I’m up in Northland too ( a bit further north than you) and we’ve really had great weather over the holiday period – feel very happy!
The horrible wet winter we had seems like a distant memory now!
Long may it continue.

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