*PLEASE NOTE – we’re taking a brief break from weather videos. They will return Monday August 11th. nzherald.co.nz & weatherwatch.co.nz apologise for any inconvenience.
In the meantime don’t miss Philip Duncan on CountryTV (sky channel 81).
For those who don’t have SkyTV or want free content only, Philip Duncan & Aaron Wilkinson will provide news updates this weekend about the incoming stormy weather and across next week here at WeatherWatch.co.nz.
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Guest on 30/07/2014 1:49am
Met service is predicting Severe gales for the eastern areas of nz. But u guys aren’t? Why?
WW Forecast Team on 30/07/2014 1:54am
Hi there,
They are tasked with warning for all possibilities within the regions – whereas WeatherWatch is more focused on where people live – urban and rural. We’re not really focused on areas that frequently – and normally – receive severe weather (like mountains, national parks etc). Severe gales are possible in the mountains and on the ranges but at this stage we think the main centres should miss the worst. We’re monitoring closely and if we think it’s looking more severe we’ll certainly update things here at WW. Some inland parts of Canterbury and Wairarapa may be knocked around a bit on Friday/Saturday by the looks of things.