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Tsunami warning – How was the coverage?

Waitangi Day saw the potential of a tsunami or waves approaching New Zealand following the Solomon Island’s quake and we’d like to know if you found our coverage adequate.

We feel it’s important to pass on the information as quickly and accurately as possible and would appreciate feedback on the matter with just a few questions.

We’d like to know how you heard about it firstly and was it via the media or elsewhere?

Did give you enough specifics about the actual event?

Some have said there was initial confusion whether there was a tsunami or not? Which camp were you in?

What other information could have proved helpful?

On a rating from zero to 10, with zero being the least and 10 being the best, how would you rate’s coverage on Wednesday afternoon and night?

Are there any changes that could be made to improve our service?

Feel free to answer any of our questions or make further comments that you feel might be relevant.

We’d like to thank you for helping us improve our service when it comes pasing on information when it comes to significant events.


David on 8/02/2013 5:25am

Perfect, Detailed and precise. Just what was needed.

Dave on 7/02/2013 10:31pm

I first saw it on WW site and at that point checked for other news on various sites. There was very little at that stage anywhere else.

I would rate the coverage good and lets face it you can only report what you can get from the authorities.

Maybe half hourly updates would be good even if there is nothing new as it would keep people informed in order to make decisions if necessary.


dayna tooke on 7/02/2013 10:22pm

it was great, i used your info to print out and pass out to guests staying so they were reading the same info I was communicating to them, they were pleased with the information and the image of new zealand that was clear to understand. the only other webasite used was civil defence to cross reference before passing info to our guests who are all staying in beachfront motels on the westcoast.

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