Western North Island (including Central North Island)
Sunny areas and some high cloud, light southeasterly winds.
Highs: 12-16
Eastern North Island
Cloudy periods, chance of a shower or two mainly about coastal fringes. Light southerly winds.
Highs: 15
A chance of morning drizzle, mostly cloudy with light southeasterly winds.
High: 13
Marlborough & Nelson
Mostly cloudy with east to southeasterly winds.
High: 13-14
Cloudy with drizzle possible, especially about Mid and South Canterbury. Light east to northeasterly winds.
Highs: 11-12
West Coast
Mostly cloudy, showers right on the coast with the chance of a heavy fall (mainly afternoon), light east to northeasterly winds.
Highs: 14-15
Southland & Otago
Mostly cloudy with east to northeast winds.
Highs: 10-11
By Weather Analyst Aaron Wilkinson – WeatherWatch.co.nz
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