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Spring cleaning when it’s not Spring

 A friend made a comment the other day that they had finally decided to Spring clean – in Summer.

It got me thinking, why do we call it Spring clean? How many people actually Spring clean? Do they actually clean in Spring? And then I got to wondering, when do I Spring clean?

When Spring hits I do get a certain giddiness. The sun shines brighter, the weather is warmer, my spring bulbs start to poke their heads up through the ground. Yet it doesn’t inspire me to clean. I’m more inspired to slip, slop, slap and wrap and soak up those semi-warm spring rays. But cleaning? Not on your nelly.

I recall my sister being hit with the Spring cleaning fever. During her teenage years all of a sudden, the moment Spring hit, she’d just start cleaning. Everything. The bathroom would sparkle. The kitchen would gleam. The carpets would be freed of pet hair. Mum’s ashtrays would be empty and sparkling to boot!

It was quite the phenomenon.

But I suspect it’s not a family trait because the only time I ever get any form of cleaning fever is when guests are coming around. Even then it’s only a mild form of cleaning. Sweep the floors, wash them, do the dishes.

However this December my non-Spring cleaning fever went into high gear. It wasn’t just guests who were coming to stay, it was family. Family who I’d not seen in years. The desire to clean overtook me like the desire to eat a chocolate Trumpet. I spent four days cleaning. Floors, walls, skirting boards, windows, curtains. The house was spick and span.

I don’t know if they noticed it when they turned up, but my partner sure did and now he wants to keep the house looking like that forever!?!? (Good luck with that).

Anyway, this year Summer cleaning fever was somewhat forced upon me. But my original question still stands, does anyone out there get Spring cleaning fever? Or Autumn? Or Winter cleaning fever?

And does anyone know how to get wooden floors to sparkle? … cause we’ve friends coming over next weekend.


Kellie Hailes

WeatherWatch Columnist


Claire on 24/01/2010 5:29am

Oh, apparently wooden floors will come up great with a solution of 1/2 cup meths to 5 litres of water, and make sure your mop is well squeezed out before using it so as not to get too much moisture on the wood. The meths will bring them up shiny and help the water evaporate quickly.

Kellie on 25/01/2010 8:51am

Oooh, meths and water sounds easy and effective!! … that’s my kind of cleaning!! : )

Claire on 23/01/2010 11:03pm

I often do the Spring thing to get rid of any mildew that’s gathered on the window frames over the damp winter (not an issue now because of the DVS). Also it’s often the first time in months that you can hang curtains out to dry, if you get the urge to wash them. We normally get a house washer in around November, to clean the green off the south side of the building.

That said, I don’t really get the urge to clean at any time of the year, but I’ve been struck by the urge to garden lately. I’ve been spring-cleaning the weeds out of my garden for weeks.

Melissa on 23/01/2010 8:49am

I agree that spring clean is just another name for tidy the whole house before Xmas and Guests arrive clean! With the mad idea that if you put in all the hard yacka now you will be able to relax and not have to clean again for a while! (my how we delude ourselves.) Maybe just relax in out on the deck in the sun (you know that faint yellow ball we occasionally see in the sky!) And dare I say it, spring cleaning for many women is a monthly thing, if a you catch my drift ?. Now that’s one way to get rid of all the male viewers to this page 🙂 But at least the house does look good on a regular basis then!

John on 23/01/2010 4:26am

Yes, my wife and I fastidiously spring clean inside and out without fail. Can’t help you with your wooden floors, sorry. A good polish and buff perhaps?

Good luck!

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