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July’s windy weather pattern not going away

Blustery to gale force winds continue to blow across parts of the country and as we head into Friday the winds will only increase for central and eastern parts of New Zealand.

The majority of the wind is now being generated by a large high, or anticyclone – and not a deep low.  These winds are circling around the high – which is to our east – and is pushing a strong north to north east flow over the nation.

As another low comes in from the Tasman Sea it will create a new ‘squash zone’ of air pressure affecting places from Auckland to Wellington to Christchurch.

Gales, for the most part, will be below damaging but may be strong enough to make driving difficult and could lead to a few power cuts here and there.

For many places the weekend looks calmer, especially for Auckland and eastern Waikato which has experienced gales for two nights in a row now – with another windy night ahead tonight.  The winds ease over the upper North Island on Saturday and much of Sunday looks calmer.

By Sunday PM most places in New Zealand should have lighter winds, although gusty conditions may remain for a few exposed areas in both islands, mainly in the south of the islands.

New Zealand is split in two weatherwise next week as a large area of low pressure develops over the North Island – while at the same time South Islanders enjoy a high pressure system rolling in from the west.

A stronger and cooler southerly wind will be brisk over the North Island on Wednesday, and might also clip Marlborough.   Rain or showers will affect the North Island while the high in the South island brings a return to clear skies, heavy frosts and great skiing weather.  Some fresh snow is likely on the North Island ski fields for a time as the southerly comes in.

Our best shot for calmer weather nationwide, as predicted by at the end of June, still remains past the half way mark of the month.  At this stage July 18 and 19 (around next Friday & Saturday) may be fairly settled nationwide thanks to a break in the windy weather and lows.

But it wont last long.

By July 19 or 20 we expect the next, large, low from the Tasman Sea to again move in towards the North Island.  In the days after that this low will bring wind, rain and showers to the North Island and upper South Island, but another high may start to grow again over the South Island for a time.

Despite the gloomy forecast for many, doesn’t expect winds to be as strong or damaging as they have been in the past few days.  Some of the gales over the next 36 hours may still bring a few branches down in the exposed regions, and cause a few power cuts, but for now we believe the worst of the damaging winds from this event is over. 




Andrew on 10/07/2014 8:47am

I see Metservice has issued updated heavy rainfall warnings for Nelson/Tasman and a few other spots (including up north).  I think they have this one spot on though it’s the persistance of the rain that I think will cause damage rather than being overly heavy.  Should include parts of Buller too but Eastern Nelson should escape with only minor flooding the flow being slightly too NE. 

The situation isn’t too far from the big fall of a couple of years ago but the blocking high has started moving away so it’s only 36 hours of rain rather than 60.  Golden Bay and parts of Nelson have had a number of these types of falls over the past few years – bring back El Nino!

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