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Your thoughts on the site

Since the site has been upgraded has been able to bring you more updates across the day – and keep more relevant and most read news stories at the top of the page. 

Our new News section also makes finding news stories from the past few days even faster.

But we’re keen to hear your thoughts on how we can make the site even better.  What would you like to see more of?  Less of? …

Post a comment below or use the Contact Us form at the top of the page.

Oh – one more thing.  We’ve had a few comments about our site having less updates… it’s actually because we’re laying the page out differently now.  For example the Daily Highs (formerly the Daily Debrief) are posted in their own section – and recently uploaded photos go straight into the gallery and not the front page.  In fact, our news coverage has increased since the changes.

Let us know what you’d like to see more or less of – and we’ll see what we can do!

Thanks for all your support!


The team at WeatherWatch



nzv8fan on 11/07/2009 7:03am

RSS feeds please.

Also maybe a section with links to NZ websites with weather stations. There is an old list on a website but many weather stations are missing and others are now dead.

Also snow forecasts would be cool as well (however does a good job of it)

Love the site though.

WW Forecast Team on 11/07/2009 7:16am

Hi there,

thanks for the feedback.   We used to have an RSS feed with the old site and it has dropped off the page in the upgrade!  Will get it back soon!

Thanks for the other suggestions,


Wayne Broekhals on 10/07/2009 4:03am

Hi there
Would be great to have an RSS feed to your site. Good to see an independent site from Metservice.


Melissa on 10/07/2009 3:59am

I’m a great fan of the ww site, visit it several times a day. Always’ exciting when a big weather event is forecast, you really do bring the weather to life! Have a few suggestions for maybe a overnight lows as well as daily highs, as quite often wonder how cold it was last night! I don’t suppose your site could ever have an rain radar? And like Chris B, I would love to know more about the symbols on Skywatchers lightning page ie the new strike symbols +CG etc, it may not mean much to us even when it is explained, but would love to know just the same! Thanks guys

CHDAVISNZ on 10/07/2009 2:55am

Great ease of navigation around the entire site – pages load and view fast – diffinately appreciate that the website focuses on NZ Weather – I also enjoy reading about Internation weather, however, NZ weather is unique to our country and it’s great to just discuss and read about weather events in NZ.

Also appreciate the interaction in which the readership are actively able to participate, engage and post comments of weather interests or updates to the website.

CHDAVISNZ on 10/07/2009 2:48am

A thought perhaps… a Weather Watch youtube link (much like MET have on their website) with links to those of your readership who have NZ weather related video’s uploaded on youtube.

Dale Small on 9/07/2009 8:15pm

Thanks guys and gals for a very informative site with a personal touch to the weather, as opposed to the standard “fine and sunny” forecasts ho hum.. it is an endless source of laughs amongst myself and many friends. The layout is easy, updates are frequent & there is generally always someone in the background to reply to the users.. keep up the good work PD & co.

JohnGaul on 9/07/2009 8:08am



Derek on 9/07/2009 3:37am

I visit the site many times a day to keep track on the weather, think the upgrade is very good, easy to navigate, plenty of info and nicely laid out.
I agree with one comment for people to indicate where they are when emailing in with weather info, there are many times I read their comments with great interest but do not know their location.

I personally would like to see more spread on the latest weather info like you do for Auckland on a daily basis encompassing all the main centres. But you do a great job already so I am quite content. I do use Metservice and metvuw as well so between the three i get a good idea of what’s going on.

But WW site is my favourite because of all the useful and educational items you blog about, I have learned a great deal since your site began. Plus the fact that you chat to people who comment giving it all a very personal touch.

Great stuff, obviously keeps you very busy noting some of the times that your info is written.

Just a note that here in Whangarei today we have had some sunny spells but also that grey oppressive cloud that has kept the temp down and my spirits a little as well. Reminds me of the gloomy winter days of my youth in the UK.

Guest on 9/07/2009 3:32am

I also come here several times a day. Sometimes check the weather here before looking outside, lol. Anyway new site is ok. I personally prefer the blog style page where everything is on the first page. Second click to news…ok, if I have to.

Keep the updates coming!

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