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Warmth here to stay, winter chills now well behind us

It looks as though New Zealand has finally shrugged off the cold weather left over from winter as we race towards the official start of summer in just two weeks time. says that soil and air temperatures have been steadily on the rise over the past 6 weeks and frosts and snowy cold snaps are now behind us for 2010.

The prediction for the next 10 days shows plenty of light winds but also a fair bit of cloud for southern western and northern regions.  Inland and eastern areas are likely to remain fairly sunny and hot.

Dry conditions also look set to remain right over the country however is observing a fair amount of activity around New Zealand, especially south of Australia.

Some computer models also show a possible weakening in the high air pressure north of New Zealand in the coming 10 days – which may be an early indicator of more favourable conditions for dry farms in Northland.

Highs tend to suppress rain making lows from forming.  The lower the air pressure the higher chances there are of lows forming.


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