Autumn has got off to a bad start, it’s fair to say, in both halves of New Zealand.
Up north, we’ve had the effects of lingering drought conditions in the Waikato and Western Northland, while down south, Christchurch was hit by some of the worst flooding in living memory, just to kick the season off!
In our readers’ minds, however, Autumn remains at the top of the tree, with the results of our latest poll showing a staggering 37 percent of respondents favouring Autumn over the other three seasons!
Summer was the silver medallist, about 10 percent back, while Winter registered 19 percent of the vote, and poor old Spring (maybe it’s the allergies?) brought up the rear, with 17 percent saying it’s their favourite.
One commenter noted:
“I would normally say summer is my favourite season, but given that this last summer was fairly non-existant, I had to go the other way. Really disappointed in mother nature. Can only hope that some of summers missing sunshine might appear this month.”
So, Autumn is ahead for another year! It would be interesting to see what a Canterbury only poll would have come out looking like this week…
Don’t forget to check out our new poll, up here on Sunday morning!
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Lee Sloper on 9/03/2014 9:47am
I used to love Autumn, but now it is pfft with those damned Westerlies. We get big floods with 100mm falls ex Taranaki if an ex tropical systems arrives down this way. Twice last year 100mm hit us, and we are only a small place to take that much rain on one hit. Now it can snow in April or fire sleet and hail at us horizontally with shocker temperatures. And hideous updraft storms too from a polar SE. May is normally winter full force. R.I.P my old friend Autumn, may the westerly storms ex Antartica not be with us.