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Philip Duncan: “BP is shirking its responsibility”


Head weather analyst Philip Duncan lashes out at BP’s CEO calling him “idiotic” and saying BP has shirked its responsibility with the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.

But while images of “beautiful birds drowning in oil” hit our screens Philip says our anger shouldn’t be directed at BP here in New Zealand, saying that will only harm innocent Kiwi workers.

Read his blog in full here



Meescha on 8/06/2010 1:38am

Thanks for the very interesting website ~ What Mr. Cousteau says speaks volumes ~ but is anyone listening ?
I very much doubt it ~ only a matter of days ago NZ signed up a Brazilian firm to drill for oil in NZ waters ~
a very scary prospect indeed ~ too close for comfort as far as Im concerned.

Interesting BP is also offering contracts to fishermen to use their boats in the clean-up effort,
“Is this just a show to make BP look good, or are they actually going to hire us?” asked fisherman Mike Bruner, 48.

As each day passes the ecological disaster worsens, the heart wrenching scenes of thousands of birds ,after a very painful struggle to survive, finally succumb to the toxic cocktail, . to the fisherman who have lost their income & all the residents who have to live with this devastation. absolutely appalling.

Guest on 8/06/2010 11:08am

Meescha wrote: but is anyone listening ?

Yes, there is hope.

CH Davis on 7/06/2010 11:22pm

Tampa Dermatologist Says Doctors Should Be On Alert for Side Effects from Chemical Dispersants – June 07, 2010.

Dr. Seth Forman is raising awareness about the adverse medical conditions that can be caused by the COREXIT chemical being spread to help minimize the impact of oil spill.

CH Davis on 7/06/2010 10:16pm

Jean-Michel Cousteau: Use of Oil Dispersants in Gulf ‘A Mistake’

It is crystal clear to me that we need to stand back and look at our attitudes and make fundamental changes. Crisis management is no management at all. Crises are absolutely inevitable if we continue to ignore the FACT that nature is far more complex and unpredictable than we can imagine.
~Jean-Michel Cousteau

“To add another chemical to the ocean, I think has some long-term consequence which we are not even aware of what it’s going to do. Personally, I think it was a mistake. We are much better equipped to capture oil at the surface provided that the weather allows that to happen.”

Cousteau said the smaller particles of oil are sneaking under booms set up along the coast seeping into marshland and killing it. It’s creating a “monumental problem” that’s effecting millions of birds, not to mention plankton — the foundation of the marine food chain.

CH Davis on 7/06/2010 10:02pm

Deepwater drilling is inappropriate, period
Jean-Michel Cousteau

We must remember that it is the natural world that keeps our planet habitable, and so far, most of our activities undermine the health and vitality of nature.

On the subject of unknown chemicals, dispersants are being used in massive quantities. Dispersants are known to be harmful to aquatic life and some scientists believe that these chemicals are likely to be more harmful to organisms than is much of the oil. In addition, dispersants only disperse; they don’t break down or detoxify. So, here we are adding more pollutants to an already massive amount of pollution. Why? Only to make the oil less visible!

read more

pete chch on 7/06/2010 11:33am

why does this blog keep appearing in between the weather news? 3 or 4 times at least in the last few days..ok..ive read it…noted it..but hardly weather related an certainly not local. if people are really interested they can scroll down or just google bp oil! its almost as invasive as the ”have u seen a meteor’ one that seems to pop up with annoying regularity.
you guys do an amazing job reporting and commenting on the weather..but lets keep it to weather please!
pete chch

WW Forecast Team on 7/06/2010 12:46pm

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your feedback.  Phil’s blogs are sometimes enviromentally focused – obviously go hand in hand with weather/nature too.

The reason the blog has appeared a few times is because the comments posted on it trigger a popularity tag with us – indicating it’s still being widely read – sometimes more so than the "every day" weather news.

Obviously our site is weather news, New Zealand focused, but even a lengthy storm – especially one that doesn’t hit the top two cities – can create a "been there done this" syndrome with some readers, hence why we promote "outside" things, such as Philip Duncan’s blogs, Meteor reports, Richard Green’s local and international stats, and International News via our CNN and partnerships.


– WeatherWatch weekend team

Meescha on 7/06/2010 9:22am

There you go coming to the defence of BP again ~ they are doing buggar all to help cease this leaking oil,
Have sympathy for them ? you are joking !!! Get real………….

While the big wigs smuggly sit behind their flash desks ~ earning big bucks, wiping their hands clean of any wrong doing , some genuine, caring folk are out their rescuing as many of those suffering pelicans & other birdlife as they can, who would otherwise perish in that thick black oil sludge.

Of course BP are responsible for this catasrophe, & its time they got their A into G ~ get tankers out their scoop up as much oil as possible & rescue the birds in strife, the sad pictures of dying pellicans will haunt me forever.

I hate to think when & where will it all end, the far reaching consequences of this devastation will be horrendous.,

Turkey on 7/06/2010 6:05am

Was waiting for this and here it is on cue… am I a spokesman for the company?. No. Attack the writer rather than what they say is always the response of those who can’t imagine that anyone could honestly disagree with them.

I simply think that BP is doing all that they possibly can, while the politicians posture for votes and utter threats, it’s what politicians do. This is a disaster for BP in every way. We should be sympathetic to someone who has sufferred a disaster, and probably not one of their making either.

If it was a Govt oil rig, all this would be swept under the carpet and no responsibility taken… exactl;y what has happened with the Leaky Homes.

Meescha on 7/06/2010 12:31am

Turkey ~ I fail to understand why you are supporting BP ~ maybe you are a spokesman for the company.
This Companies feeble attempt/or lack of action to this castrophe is absolutely appalling..
They managed to put a cap on to catch a small percentage of the crude oil ~ a drop in the bucket ~ what a P.R.joke. They should be out their in boats/mine sweepers/oil tankers scooping up this mess.
Today in Barataria Bay hundreds of dead birds, turtles & Dolphins have been washed ashore ~ heartbreaking, & a nightmare for those generous souls who care for the environment, give their time to help with the endless task of burying the dead wildlife.
Turkey (name suits) check out this website:

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