With winter just around the corner(!) we thought we’d get a guage on our readers’ preferences for drying their washing – considering it’s about to get a bit more risky to use the clothesline!
Many of us keep a close eye on the forecasts for a clear day in order to get the washing out – while others prefer the quick and easy method of chucking everything in a drier.
Some in apartments use the tried and tested student method of the indoor clothes rack, while others just hang wet stuff on anything they can find…
So which category do you fall into? Let us know by voting in the poll below, and leave a comment if things are likely to change with the seasons in June!
<a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/7999644/”>How do you dry your clothes?</a>
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cupoteacoast on 28/04/2014 5:55am
Drier = for high wind and cold.
We got to the stage of getting such heinous torrential downpours here that I brought a pile of extra towels and cheap clothes to wear around the house, so I can simply leave stuff out on the line for a week+ if needs be. But if a southerly is due, it goes into the drier, otherwise it’ll blow away with the mad wind we get now. In winter it can go for days-weeks without being able to dry a thing because of the air being just too cold. Out of season Westerlies are such a pain for that too, as it is just too overcast to get anything dried under the low uplift cloud. Drier gets used a fair bit when it is winter. Even anticyclones make it hard to dry stuff in winter, as the katabatic wind is just so damned cold with them, needs a good N to blow it all towards Wellington instead; then I’ll be smiling in the sun. 🙂
Guest on 28/04/2014 3:47am
In winter I wear easy to dry clothings. They come out of the washing machine almost dry. So I just put them on a clothes rack in the room, close the door and turn on the dehumidifier for two to four hours. The dehumidifier is rated 250W and uses 1 unit of electricity every four hours – about 33 cents.
Guest on 28/04/2014 12:33am
I bought a $10 30 metre nylon rope from The Warehouse, some large O-ring screws and put a clothesline up in the garage. Total cost about $30 (I think).
I can hang my washing in the garage, it doesn’t matter if it rains or not, I’m not having to race in and out getting the clothes off the outside line because it’s going to rain. The humidity of the garage actually dries the clothes out really quickly and I don’t end up with high power bills.
Guest on 27/04/2014 9:36pm
Once the weather gets wet I dry on a clothes horse by the fire or above the dehumidifyer overnight
John Gaul on 27/04/2014 11:14am
Used to use the fence but now we have a proper rotary clothes line.
On wet days expecially from now and during the winter we have a clothes-horse which we put in the front room or under the verandah if it is sunny.
Fortunately we have an AGA cooker which is an excellent drying apparatus for sheets,bras, whatever over the winter.
Guest on 27/04/2014 9:00am
I dry them outside, but under cover. Then I dont have to worry if it rains.
MumCarrot on 27/04/2014 7:13am
90% of the time I do it on the lone outside – even if I then have to bring it in still damp to finish off. If it is really wet I use some lines in the carport – we have a drier but it is total emergency only!
Claire on 27/04/2014 6:30am
I need an “all of the above” button 🙂
Tesha on 27/04/2014 5:29am
will dry on line if fine, but in dryer if wet. Clothes need to be washed and we don’t have that many to wait for dry weather.
Guest on 27/04/2014 4:53am
Will change from drying outside to the cloth rack inside next to the fire.
Drier only used for undies and socks as well as emergencies.