Some haven’t had much of a break from the strong spring winds so far this October, while others have finally been able to enjoy calm conditions and mostly sunny skies.
But on Friday the predicted windier change will arrive – marking a week ahead of sometimes intense winds and possibly signalling a mostly windy change up until Labour Weekend.
Head weather analyst Philip Duncan says this is spring peaking. “October is traditionally when spring peaks with strong winds, thunderstorms and some hot weather finally moving in to some regions. This windier change , which starts this Friday, is simply the peak spring winds pushing through”.
Mr Duncan says a large low around Antarctica and a big high north of us puts New Zealand “smack bang in the squash zone, where the winds are strongest”.
“The Roaring Forties are going to race up and roar over New Zealand for at least the next week or two”.
To add fuel to the windy weather the Southern Alps, the eastern North Island ranges and Cook Strait region all work to create a funnel effect, pushing up wind speeds even more for central New Zealand and eastern areas of both islands.
However at this stage does not see a repeat of the Canterybury wind storm last month.
Also,. the windier weather can being spectacular sunny skies to eastern and north eastern areas, like Bay of Plenty, Gisbone, Marlborough, Canterbury etc.
This windy spell will likely finally start to dry soil conditions in many eastern and nothern areas too.
Winds should take a bit of breather around next weekend – but central and southern areas may still have a brisk wind lingering.
– Homepage image / Windy wet day in Auckland, file,
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Sandie on 8/10/2013 8:55pm
As someone who has a bad fear/phobia of high winds, this kind of weather really unsettles me. I find it hard to sleep at night etc. So with that in mind, at this stage how bad do you envisage the winds will be in (West) Auckland, where I live? Are they going to be gale force winds for the next 10-14 days; or not quite that bad do you think? Many thanks.
WW Forecast Team on 8/10/2013 11:12pm
Hi there – we expect a few days with potential gales. Use our wind maps to best work out when (as it will change a bit time-wise due to the nature of this fast moving pattern we’re about to enter). Today is gale force and will ease back a bit tonight, but could remain brisk in some exposed places overnight and across Thurs, but likely below damaging threshold (today is borderline for small damage). Friday may be a little windier than we first thought (again, timing – the winds arrive a few hours earlier which shifts it from Sat to Fri). but we hope it will be below damaging gusts (roughly under 100km/h). Sat looks blustery to gale and then Sunday improves. It’s all a bit messy really but to be honest Auckland will, for the most part, be on the edge of the worst winds. However the westerly quarter is a windy direction for Auckland – this is spring peaking now.