> From the WeatherWatch archives

Our Rotorua Weather Watch reporter Andrew Black snapped this picture today – clearly showing snow to low levels around Rotorua.
- Current highlights:
- Snow to very low levels on Mt Taranaki
- Snow to low levels around Rotorua
- Snow on the Mamaku ranges
- Snow to low levels on the Port Hills and around Dunedin
- Sleeting showers in Christchurch – no signs of it easing anytime soon.
- Bitterly cold, strong, southerlies in Wellington
- Skies clearing in Auckland
- Most centres still on single digits temperatures
What’s it like where you are? Post a new comment below.
Before you add a new comment, take note this story was published on 20 May 2009.
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Guest on 21/05/2009 4:28am
I grew up in Rotorua, and I remember snow dusting the hills around the lake every few years, but never so early.