With winter on our doorstep, which part or parts of you feels the cold first and most often?
We’re all different and it seems for some people that it’s their hands or feet and staying warm in bed can be a challenge if their fingers and/or toes are struggling to stay warm. Is your answer an electric blanket, a hot water bottle or someone close to you to feel a little more warmth and comfort?
For others it can be knees or even elbows that cop the cold and if you’re outside and a fresh wind is blowing, do your face and ears feel quite numb at times?
If you have to work on frosty or bleak and cold days how do you gear up to face the elements?.
Do you feel the cold often and do you wear a jacket, a pair of gloves, a scarf or even long johns to try and keep the chill at bay when you’re out and about?
Perhaps the cold doesn’t affect you in the same way it does your partner or family member.
Enduring nippy winter days isn’t always easy but what’s the first part of you that feels the wintry bite and what do you do to have try and combat it?
A hot drink, another jersey or jacket possibly, a drink of any description that hits the spot or soup to make you feel a little more cosy.
Do you watch your dollars and cents when it comes to the powerbill so that it doesn’t creep too high and do you do other things to try and stay warm. Possibly stay active so you don’t feel the raw cold?
So many questions when it comes to the coldest time of the year and we’d love to know how you cope and what affects you mostly.Feel free to add some helpful hints as well!
Story and home image by R.Green
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Sheree on 25/05/2012 11:41pm
Hate going to the loo on a cold nite.Permanent open shutters and my cheeks shiver as I sit down!!
Rob on 25/05/2012 11:14pm
Tips of my fingers often freeze and my nipples in a bracing wind go numb.Ok a lot of info.
Fun topic.
Melissa on 26/05/2012 2:40am
Had to laugh at your comment, we often use to say it’s a bit nippley out there this morning, instead of a bit nippy!
Another good saying is it’s freezing out there make sure you’ve got you willie warmer on!!!
My feet feel the cold really badly, and I have turned into such a nana with my hottie at night, it’s also useful to throw an extra cat on the bed if it is going to be a cold night.
Guest on 25/05/2012 11:11pm
Hi Richard,
Good to hear you and Phil talking about the weather on NewstalkZB yesterday.Listening online in Invercargill.
I prefer the cold but my ears suffer the most so I try and keep a hat on lol
Keep up all the excellent work.
Bryce on 25/05/2012 11:08pm
Great story.
My nose goes blue when I milk the girls early in the morning before any frost settles hard.