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What we learned in 2015 – A mixed winter, too much variety in our weather and a nation of veggie growers

Continuing our review of some of the most popular poll stories in 2015, we looked back at what our readers thought about all things weather, climate and environment related.

Thinking back to the end of our (very cold at times) winter, we asked WeatherWatchers to grade their winters from A to F – and it came out with a pass mark of B – or “a mixed bag” as described in the voting.
One commenter noted: “Frost after frost after frost . Lost numerous plants in the garden , which had survived several previous winters . These frosty mornings ddi not turn to sunny days as often cloud moved in and kept it cold . A bad winter!”

Staying on the subject of up and down seasons, with El Ni̱o settling in and our weather on a bit of a rollercoaster ride through 2015, we asked how much kiwis love our weather variety Рwith 36% of voters saying they loved it!
Around half of those who voted said that “it was just a part of life” in New Zealand – resigned to our unpredictable and unsettled weather conditions that seem to have become the norm…

With a number of “severe” weather events around the country this year, we wanted to know how many New Zealanders had been affected by extreme conditions – wherever they were in New Zealand.
Nearly 60% of respondents said they hadn’t been in the firing line, perhaps as a result of an easier ride in the more populated areas of Auckland and Hamilton last year!

And finally, heading into summer (after a long lead in), we were interested in how many people grew vegetables on their own properties through the warmest part of the year – and the results surprised us!
4 out of 5 of those who voted said they had a vegetable garden – so if you’re one of them, happy growing from everyone here at!

We love hearing from our readers each week through our poll stories – please keep giving us feedback and we look forward to many more in 2016 🙂




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