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What a long and interesting year 2017 was. The weather has sure had it’s fair share of extremes across all the seasons with perhaps a very wet year followed by a very dry end being the biggest highlight. has had a humbling year with a lot of change and we wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You to those that have helped us the most in 2017:

1) IBM / The Weather Company. When the Dominion Post rang us back in winter to do a story on how WeatherWatch, MetService and NIWA put together their weather forecasts we certainly didn’t expect a phone call, meeting and a shake of hands with IBM the next day. For those who don’t know, IBM (and their super computer “Watson”) have bought The Weather Company (when you Google a forecast, or if you have an Apple device you’re probably already using their forecasts). Our small brand is now an official IBM business partner and we’re very excited about 2018 and beyond – this was not something we were expecting and it came from a news story where we simply defended the private sector.

2) Bauer Media. When we parted ways with the NZ Herald earlier this year after a several year close relationship we weren’t quite too sure how we’d continue making our weather videos. We’re very thankful and grateful to Justin, Shaun and Andy for their help this year and for making our weather videos slicker than ever. We’re also appreciative of the time they have spent on our brand and their passion towards us is quite addictive! 

3) The Breeze. In particular radio host (and all round talent!) Alison Leonard. We chat every Monday and Friday about the weather on-air, and then usually gossip for another 15 minutes off air. Ali – thanks for your amazing support this year…and for all your cooking tips!

4) Minister Clare Curran (Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media, Minister for Government Digital Services). Before Clare was recently made a Minister she spent the past few years supporting our fight for Open Weather Data and questioning at Select Committee meetings in Parliament about why our public forecasters are so commercially focused at the expense of open data. (NZ is the only first world nation to not have open weather data). Clare has tolerated more than her fair share of emails from us – and the odd grumpy tweet too – as the official Open Weather Data review (launched by the last Government) was stalled in recent months. Minister, thank you so much for hearing us out, supporting us so publicly and standing up for what is right. We wish you all the very best in your new roles and hope to continue positively working with you to make the change that is so needed here.

5) CountryTV (Sky Channel 081) – For several years they have supported and our unique style of delivering forecasts to the rural sector. We hugely appreciate their backing and loyalty over the years. 

6) Australian forecasters based in Sydney and owned by Fairfax Media, our long standing agreement with them means we can share some of their great news stories, mainly written by meteorologist Ben Domensino. These updates are really helpful to New Zealanders wanting more details on extreme and interesting conditions across Australia. It’s also another perspective from the private sector on the varying Government forecasts. It’s great to be entering our eighth year of this partnership. We also have a contract with Weatherzone for graphics (weather maps) which we use in our week day Weather Videos with Philip Duncan.

7) Many journalists. Not all journalists see eye to eye with our approach/style but there are quite a few who understand the unique and frustrating set up our industry is in. For most journalists the past few years have been a stressful time for them personally with mergers and leadership changes and uncertainty. We think our own experience of dramatic change this year has opened our eyes further to a myriad of things. For those journalists and news outlets that trust us, rely on us, quote us, include us, follow us, value us – we do sincerely appreciate it.

8) Our families and friends. Like many New Zealanders our small team at have all had their own personal issues to deal with at times over the last 12 months. Our families have made a huge difference to our energy levels and support networks. Our friends have too and for that we are all grateful.

9) CNN – From a weather point of view we’ve never seen any fake news from them! CNN, based in Atlanta, continue to help us out with questions, graphics and news stories along with friendship. They’ve also offered to help us find a tornado chaser in the US should we want to do that at some stage! We’re very honoured to be a CNN International weather affiliate.

10) YOU. Without you, we aren’t here. Thanks for letting us be ourselves. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for telling us off. Thank you for questioning things and holding us accountable. Thank you for your photos, your videos your tweets, your comments, your local weather updates.  2018 will be a fantastic year because of you.



Guest on 15/12/2017 3:30pm

maybe 300 instead of 320 days of inclement weather in 2018 might cheer us up a little lol,anyway have a merry wet Christmas and a happy cloudy new year,this most likely be the situation.

Guestjohn gaul on 15/12/2017 8:14am

One thing missing from this list is totally the obvious…….. The Weather.
If it wasn’t for the weather this site wouldn’t exist.
A great thankyou for the events that you have thrown at us this year and may next year be just as eventful.


Derek on 13/12/2017 11:42pm

All very well deserved WW and which is no surprise at all as you do a great job.

I look forward to all the interesting articles in store for 2018 and to watch the progress you will make.

Very well done and congratulations along with a Very Merry Christmas and New year.

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