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Weather Video: Two lows moving in

Two low pressure systems are moving in towards New Zealand, one coming out of the sub-tropics from the north east and the other coming in from the south west.

The two will weaken as they move across the country this week, but it means some who need rain will get it – but the rain predictions for the upper North Island remain patchy and hit and miss.

By the end of the week we have another sou’west flow across the country, which means the weekend ahead may be a little cooler along our western coastlines, but sunnier and hotter in the east or north east.

Don’t forget to also check out our great new animated wind maps in our weather videos.


Chris. J on 17/02/2014 10:05am

It is getting closer to winter guys and gals and I’m picking this next westerly moving up will be a nasty one. Our temp leapt from 19 to 25 early evening with an accompanying pressure drop. Westerly struck us from the south east, with a big explosion and updrafts over the escarpment and the mountain here … again. Two giant mountain waves came down with falling air and virga. The entire event over the evening dropped us from 25C to 15.9C. That’s a very decent drop hence I am thinking we must be in autumn. We deserve a some ‘nice steady’ rainfall over our arid hills for having to put up with an assault like this, and no mad westerly blasting downpours. FFS it is only February.

John on 17/02/2014 5:56am

Hey  i went both to metservice nz  and weatherwatch nz website and found metservice is predicting a rain on coming saturday the 22nd  while weather watch is saying odd shower is expected , now i do like both sites , but i like to be accurate and so i  trust more weatherwatch interms of rain and metservice interms of winds , so plz this is for auckland and i live in south auckland and so there will be a event by for the community at barry curtis park name everday heroes where police , fire and amublance will do a show of how they help the community . So plz whats the early status and will look back on wednesday , to see another update , hopefully a drizzle would be fine  but any way let me know , thanks .

WW Forecast Team on 17/02/2014 8:03pm

Hi there – many other websites are quick to label a day as “rain” or “fine”.  We try to take a more detailed approach, which doesn’t always work but often it does give a far better indication as to how wet, or how fine, a day will be.  As for Saturday, there is a front moving in but it’s falling apart as it does so.  Our forecasts are based on data that we find strongly reliable for predicting rain in these types of set ups.  The front may have enough energy to bring in more than just showers (some patchy rain for a time) but the latest data really doesn’t support it being overly wet.  A mostly dry day still in our view, higher chance of wet stuff later in the day by the looks of it.



Derek on 17/02/2014 4:19am

Your weather videos are good as usual and full of information but one query I have is “do you need to talk so fast” and is there a time limit creating this situation.

The reason I ask is that I have hearing difficulties and the speed of speech can mean the difference in understanding what is being said and just have it go over ones head.

It takes a lot of concentration to pick up what you say but still I only manage to understand about 50% of it.

I am sure a lot of people like me in the same boat on this.

As always Phil a great job done by you and the staff at Weather Watch.

WW Forecast Team on 17/02/2014 8:06pm

Hi Derek – the passion gets a hold of me and away I go!  I dont have an autocue at the Herald, it’s entirely adlibbed, so I sometimes get caught up!  You’re not the first person to tell me to slow down – will definitely remind myself next time 🙂  As for time limits, we have never been given one – but always finding the balance between those who just want an update and those who want more of a story. My feeling is, if you’re going to take the time to watch a video it may as well have information in it that you dont get from a news story, so we aim for roughly 4 mins for each video.  Its a story we’re telling – not just a forecast for tomorrow.

Hope all is well up north and hope you’re enjoying the easterly!



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