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UK Met Office to publish climate records

The UK’s weather service, the Met Office is to publish station temperature records that make up the global land surface temperature record.

Professor John Mitchell, director of climate science at the Met Office told CNN: “We are releasing the data to reassure people that climate data is sound.”

The data includes information from more than 1000 stations worldwide and will be published online next week.

The Met Office said it was publishing a subset of the full HadCRUT record of global temperatures — that’s one of a handful of global temperature data sets that underpin the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The announcement comes amid a continuing controversy over leaked emails from the UK’s University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) which were published on the Internet in November.

The emails were seized upon by climate skeptics who say they prove scientists are manipulating global warming data to strengthen the argument for man-made climate change.

But Professor Mitchell told CNN that he didn’t see “any issue whatsoever with the soundness of global mean temperature records.

“If you look at the land data, the sea surface data temperatures and mean air temperature data, those three records independently show a 0.7 degree warming trend over the past 100 years. That’s all published by the IPCC.”

Professor Mitchell urged people who had become skeptical since the publication of the CRU emails to look at the evidence rather than “a selective take on emails which were stolen.”

Mitchell added: “We also know that NASA have data sets that show pretty much the same trend over the past 100 years and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) also have a data set — which, I think, is all freely available.”

In a separate statement Saturday, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown called on people to concentrate on securing a deal at the upcoming climate talks.

Brown told the UK’s The Guardian newspaper: “With only days to go before Copenhagen we mustn’t be distracted by the behind the times anti-science, flat earth climate skeptics. We know the science. We know what we must do. We must act and close the five billion ton gap. That will seal the deal.”

The Met Office said that by releasing the data it was continuing a policy of putting as much station temperature record as possible into the public domain. The office says it’s confident that the data will show that global average land temperatures have risen over the past 150 years.

The announcement came on the same day that thousands of people attended a march in London, UK to demand action on climate change ahead of the 12-day U.N. climate conference that begins on Monday in Copenhagen.

The Wave protest was organized by Stop Climate Chaos, a coalition of environmental and development organizations.

Director of Stop Climate Chaos Ashok Sinha told CNN: “Industrialized countries are not setting ambitious enough targets for carbon reduction.

“If you look at the level the UK is talking about, it amounts to a reduction of 30 percent by 2020. If we did that we’d still only have a 50/50 chance at best of keeping global climate change under the dangerous threshold of two degrees Celsius.”

Sinha said that many scientists are indicating that emissions need to be cut by around 40 percent and he urged the UK government to show leadership in cutting carbon emissions.

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David New Brighton on 7/12/2009 6:06am

No, Prof. Mitchell

…the evidence shows that this is the biggest scams put upon mankind in the 21st century by the globalists using the scare of so -called global warming…to fund their evil agenda..of world government…it is not warming up Prof. Mitchell…real data shows the opposite, and also shows terrible scandels involved in the collection of this data, coming to light by the minute! … Worldwide and right here in N.Z.

…you can produce your data…I am sure there are plenty of scientists who will be delighted to review the “data” and shine a light on scam to deceive and fool mankind for their evil purposes!

David New Brighton on 7/12/2009 4:54am

…You are not going to get the truth from these global warming alarmists….it’s like they are doing a peer review, and everybody else is excluded….it is not going to work.
….the records are dodgy at the best, and of course it will show global man -made warming, cos’ that’s what it is, raw data manipulated to deliberately show a warming trend in spite of the reality…

…if they are so confident of their data and conclusions that Phil Jones ( CRU ) had to step down, and IPCC scientists turned on their own?

They are so farin this mess, that they can’t back out now, without showing themselves to be a bunch of fraudsters that they are!

And then there is the case of Wellington,N.Z. for starters, which is a still an unfolding shambles with more revelations to come 8 – D !!

RW on 7/12/2009 8:31pm

The warming planet is sane David – but I wonder about you! Give it a rest.

David New Brighton on 7/12/2009 10:49pm

…I suggest you take a hike…we are here….get used to it … because we are taking you down, you, and your bunch of criminals against humanity!

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