11/04/2012 12:21pm
Two very powerful earthquakes in the Indian Ocean have been detected by New Zealand’s quake drums reports WeatherWatch.co.nz.
The quakes measuring 8.6 and 8.2 were both detected by GeoNet’s seismograph drums on Thursday evening.
WeatherWatch.co.nz says there is no tsunami warning or watch for New Zealand and none would be expected due to the blocking feature of Australia and Indonesia.
– Graph courtesy of GeoNet
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Guest on 11/04/2012 2:09pm
I’m in jakarta and the first i knew of it was reading the herald website! However thinking back i do remember a jolt and wondering what it was. But there was no swaying sensation like we are used to in NZ so i dismissed it at the time.
Guest on 11/04/2012 12:08pm
The dogs were going crazy outside between 10:30 and 11pm tonight, could the earthquake have anything to do with it?
Guest on 11/04/2012 11:38am
Felt it here in Christchurch. Felt as a small “jolt”. Both dog and I jumped. Other friends on fb are saying the same…
Guest on 11/04/2012 12:17pm
yeah whatever dude