20/04/2020 5:04pm
A weak ridge lies over New Zealand today with a few frontal zones at either end of the country.
Average to slightly above average temperatures for the time of year across New Zealand today, highs running from 18 up to 20 degrees along the east coast of the North Island up through to Northland. Highs in the mid teens across much of the South Island, the warmest afternoon temperatures will likely be about Nelson reaching 17.
Starting to get a bit cool overnight tonight for the North Island, this may lead to areas of fog on Wednesday morning. But mind you this is a map representing how temperatures are differentiating from normal, the coldest overnight lows will likely be about interior parts of the South Island although the Central North Island and Waikato will get pretty close getting down to 6 or 5 degrees.
For Max & Min NZ Temperature maps for the next few days and nights ahead, please visit our new maps page: https://www.weatherwatch.co.nz/maps-radars/temperature/temperature
By Weather Analyst Aaron Wilkinson – WeatherWatch.co.nz
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