Sunny spells with westerly breezes.
Highs: 22-23
Sunny spells with light northwesterly winds, chance of an early shower otherwise dry. Low risk of another shower again in the afternoon otherwise dry. Winds may tend southwest in the afternoon.
Mostly sunny with westerly winds.
High: 23
Waikato & Central North Island
Cloudy periods and the odd shower, clearing by evening
Highs: 20-23
Eastern North Island
Any early showers clear then becoming mostly sunny with light winds,
southerlies freshen during the afternoon bringing a few showers.
Highs: 20-22
Western North Island
Periods of rain with westerly winds, rain clears in the evening with winds
tending southerly. Taranaki may see sunny breaks at times.
The odd shower with southerly winds, freshening from afternoon.
Mostly sunny with light winds tending northerly in the afternoon, cloud
increases PM then there may be evening showers.
Early cloud clears to mostly sunny weather, light winds. Cloud builds in
the afternoon and there may be a few showers late afternoon or evening with
Showers with southwesterly winds.
Sunny spells with southeasterly breezes.
High: 19-20
Coastal Otago
Occasional showers, clearing in the evening. Cool brisk southerlies.
The odd shower now and then, clearing in the evening. Cool
Showers, clearing in the evening. Cool southerlies. Temperatures overnight
get quite cool.
Highs: 10-11
By Weather Analyst Aaron Wilkinson –
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