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Rough “roaring 40s” weather may last 2 weeks

Strong winds, predominantly from the west, look set to buffet New Zealand for as long as 10 to 14 days predicts as a deep low in the Southern Ocean helps lift the Roaring 40s up over the nation.

“The last time we saw this happen to a similar degree was in September last year” says head weather analyst Philip Duncan.  But Mr Duncan stopped short of saying the weather would be as extreme as the 2010 storm that brought major snow to Southland and thunderstorms and tornadoes across Wellington, Waikato and Auckland. 

“This system has the potential to prompt rain warnings, wind warnings and snow warnings, plus thunderstorms, so it’s certainly significant but at this stage we’re not expecting similar widespread problems.  We will be monitoring this rough weather very closely each day though”. 

“People certainly don’t need to stress but should be aware of the rough weather moving in and how it might affect their region”. says that numerous fronts will come with the belt of strong winds which will strengthen and weaken from day to day as the low in the south and high to the west both “pulsate” in size. 

Long range models produced by European outfit ECMWF show no real change in the pattern for at least the next 10 days. 

Northern New Zealand, which is furthest from the centre of the low, won’t escape the strong winds either.  “With a large high spreading east from Australia and north of New Zealand it will contribute to the squash zone with the low in the south.  In other words, the strong winds will spread from Southland to Northland, sometimes shifting back and forth from North Island to South Island”. says that most main centres will escape the worst of the weather but suggests that all New Zealanders keep up to date with the latest warnings, watches and weather news.

Overall the wettest regions will be those closest to the Tasman Sea, coldest will be Southland and Otago and windiest will be mostly central and eastern areas, but could spread right over New Zealand from time to time.

The change to brisk westerlies will start in Auckland and northern NZ overnight tonight then spread elsewhere on Wednesday.

The strong winds will also lead to dangerous waves, rips and swells along the entire western coastline of New Zealand and could impact the safety of entering Manukau Harbour in Auckland for the next 2 weeks.

Western Thunderstorms are also expected to be frequent but isolated from Taranaki southwards, with a low risk of isolated low end tornados from late Tuesday until the weekend at least.



sw on 5/07/2011 12:09am

Big difference to a W wind to a SW one,SW fills everything random in pine needles also makes a raquet and is constant,a westerly (when strong) is gusty,drops almost to nothing and wipes much of the needles off the roof.

Zelda Wynn on 4/07/2011 10:55pm

Yay, lawn dries out,washing dries well. A great mix of clouds to watch.

David on 4/07/2011 8:13pm

Oh for a decent breeze here in Wellington……finally.

Would be nice to get the washing dry in a day, and get the lawn dried out enough to mow it.
Oh and the firewood is getting low so blow Norwester blow, and warm us up a little.

RW on 4/07/2011 10:34pm

Fully agree. The absence of westerlies has not done us any good at all. This la Nina (quite unlike some of the older ones) has been quite unkind – extra rain, and a deficiency of sun. Dullest June since 1982, with more showery or drizzly days than usual.

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