Yesterday it was the north and west to get the rain – but now all eyes are shifting to eastern and southern parts of the country as the energy moves from the eastern Tasman Sea to the south western Pacific Ocean.
Rain is being predicted from Otago to Canterbury to Wellington as a low stalls just east of central New Zealand and an east to south east flow pushes the rain clouds in.
Today forecasters have been at odds with the prediction for Christchurch and Canterbury with predicting cloudy skies with only the possibility of a shower or two – but tonight light rain is still expected to set in. It highlights the difficulty of the current set up says
After a dreary start to the day in Auckland the low cloud and drizzle broke up around lunchtime leaving a mixture of low cloud, sunny spells and towering clouds as the afternoon warmth and humidity join forces with lower air pressure.
Sunny weather has also returned to Northland and some parts of the Deep South.
Conditions are now in a bit of a holding pattern for the next day or so with rain or showers expected along the east coast of the country while showers and sunny spells affect the west with a developing sou’wester.
Homepage image / File, minor flooding across the road – similar to some parts of BOP today / Simon Williams
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Guest on 9/05/2012 5:44pm
We are just out of Leeston in Canterbury and had no rain from this system, and dont know whether we are or not. There are so many different forcasts for this system that keep changing on a regular basis. Maybe our Taxpayers money should have gone into something else instead of a big flash modelling computer in Wellington, we just want easy to read basic information that is reliable to farm by !!!!
Keep up the good work.
Guest Steve on 9/05/2012 7:41am
Fantastic 55 mils here in lower Northland from midday yesterday till this morning. No rain in this area today but the humidity was a curse for awhile.
Hot and sunny after lunch.
Only inaccuracy if you can call it that, was the weather becoming fine sooner than expected. Not complaining mind you.
Rain at night is a farmers delight.
LM on 9/05/2012 6:12am
A cool partly cloudy but dry day in Invercargill. Metservice kept shifting the goal posts., ie, rain this morning, became rain this afternoon and now it’s supposed to happen this evening.