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Quiz answers

Which of the following is not a region where tropical storms typically develop?

A Indian Ocean
B Eastern Pacific
C Bay of Bengal
D Cape Horn

The worst tornado outbreak in US history took place in 1974. How many twisters touched down in the midwest and south during a 16 hour rampage?

A 12
B 60
C 147
D 200

Which country received a surprise hailstorm on Sept 3, 2007.

A Kenya
B New Zealand
C Iraq
D Norway

A circumhorizon arc is the technical term for a rare, rainbow-like feature. What is it said to look like?

A A fire
B A halo
C A tornado
D A shooting star

The longest dry period for a city in recorded history occurred in Arica, Chile. How long did the drought last?

A 2 days
B 2 weeks
C 2 years
D 14 years

On average how many times per year is New York City’s empire state building struck by lightning?

A 50
B 100
C 150
D 200

Which of the following is a real weather event.

A Thunder snow
B hail quake
C Hot ice
D None of the above

Which of the following was not an extreme weather event that took place in 2007.

A Miiddle East cyclone
B Snow in South Africa
C New York city tornado
D Record cold in England

How far do sandstorms originating in the northwestern Sahara desert, often reach one of the following..

A China
B The Caribbean
C Hawaii
D India

On what planet have the solar system’s strongest winds been recorded?

A Jupiter
B Earth
C Neptune
D Venus


Melissa on 20/12/2009 7:15am

I actually managed to get 6/10! I do love multi-choice! I managed to get the Thunder Snow question right, but do you guy’s realise you are now going to have to try and explain it to us all! Well most of us? Maybe all that turbulence in the thunder cloud creates a dusty icy mini snow? That was my logic anyway!

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