Winter is officially over – and with the coming of Spring, it’s time to reflect.
How was your Winter? Give it a rating of 1 to 5 in the poll below, in ascending order – 1 being balmy, 5 being horrifically cold.
Leave a comment too if you wish, and we’ll analyse your responses on Friday!
Image / John Kripnner
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C Johnson on 1/09/2013 10:48am
Far warmer than the “rare” and cold W winter of 2011. Have to rate this one at 4, as we had 3 nutty major storms; frigid ground level orographic SE storms and the 2 big damaging southerlies. Being insured came in useful with the rabid June southerly. We have had the winter norm for cold nights with the orographic drainage and freezing air when an upper trough to the east of NZ passes. With the exception of May which was really bad for it, the cold air pooling freezes from the gully have been mild this winter with the coldest only being -1. -3 pretty normal here in winter but it didn’t appear this winter. Yay! Only 1 low-level jump zone, phew, as they can be pretty rabid. The warm days in winter have been unreal, far warmer than your normal Spring, and I have luved every minute of the warmth. Humidity has been higher too which is just brilliant. I’m glad the winter skies stayed true, with lots of beautifully clear skies and the pure alto/mid level skies norm, nil cumulus. Normal predominantly easterly flow for us in winter. It has been N,N,N and N this winter, which means NE NE and NE for us. Very little true westerly. May-June was wind shear city here with W v E and even a meso appeared, but it virtually disappeared in July and that’s mid winter, WOW!!! Revelling in warmth, I feel a bit sorry for Auckland, anti-cyclones to the west oh yes please, pure blue skies and warmth while the poor Aklders suffer from murk. Like sea fog we don’t get that here. Although anticyclones to the E or SE like today they’re the pure pits! 🙂 If I compared this winter purely with 2012, it’d be 5 stars.Thank you weather gods, we needed a serious break for the cold after May.
blake on 2/09/2013 10:29pm
This winter, we had 3 dumpings of snow which is average to possibly even above average for winter normally( with normally a couple more in september,one in october and one dump in every two years in november), last years winter was alot colder( had 2 weeks of minus 5 frosts which froze the duck pond over) and this year we may of had 5 frosts during winter, the amount of days with double digit highs were amazing and we only had two single digit days during august, in comparison snow wise to 2011 and 2012, this year has seen the same amount of snow dumps in 2011, but less severe, and last year for the whole of winter we had just one small dump of snow, so in short average to above average snow for us and temps well above the average, ( 17 degrees here is unheard of here usually in winter but we had probably had 5 days of 17 during winter)
Derek on 1/09/2013 3:26am
Been a great winter here in Whangarei, cannot really say we have had one apart from a few brief intervals. Actually more bleaky and cold today than it has been for a long time.
Ben on 31/08/2013 10:33pm
Fantastic Winter this year in Auckland.
Very mild with lots of sun! Also one thing I noticed is we didn’t have many windy days which was lovely.
It really did just feel like a very long September.
sw on 31/08/2013 9:45pm
Very cloudy,milder especially at night most of it,no frosts at all,wet at beginning june but july and first 10 days of august drier than usual,some gale days but not a lot,lack of days and days of running SW winds which is a good thing.
RW on 1/09/2013 6:59am
Mangere was only about 20 hours below average for the winter, or about 5% down – only a small deficiency.
Guest on 31/08/2013 9:20pm
What winter ??
Guest on 31/08/2013 9:17pm
Very wet .Cold . Same as usual in Christchurch .The odd warmer week which spiked temperatures .
Phil on 31/08/2013 10:51pm
I totally disagree. there have been a couple of cold weeks and a lot of rain in the last half of June but apart from that it has been amazing. Only 2 days in August where it got below 0 and a distinct lack of frosts along with lots of sunshine. Most unusual for Christchurch.
RW on 1/09/2013 6:54am
There as a deficiency of about 40 hours of sun for Ch’ch due mainly to a dull June. However, the average temperature for the winter was the highest on record (Aero, records from 1954).