It’s something of a kiwi tradition, when school breaks up and the days get longer, to load up the car with sleeping bags, dust off the tent and BBQ, and head away for a couple of weeks on the beach.
Summer equals camping for some families, and looking back on days past it is some of the fondest memories of childhood, beach cricket with the cuzzies and sleeping under the stars.
So we at Weatherwatch wanted to know – how many of you still get out to camping grounds over the Summer holidays? Please let us know in the poll, and tell us where you’ll be in the comments too, so we can get a good picture of our readers’ favourite spots!
<a href=””>Are you camping these holidays?</a>
Drew Chappell for
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guest on 27/12/2013 9:35am
Spencer beach christchurch
Guest on 24/12/2013 5:20am
Hihi beach motor camp, Doubtless Bay. Great old camp, great hosts (Keith & Leanne) The fishings great most times, weather good most of the time and a very good golf course 10 mins away. Did I mention the awesome pub in quaint Monganui? Summers fantastic and you can’t beat a NZ camping experience!
Sandy on 22/12/2013 5:53pm
Whangateau. Blink and u miss it but such a great family friendly holiday camp. Its a mum and kids camp after the dads go back to work mid jan. 4 to 6 mums and up to 16 kids some years, depending on who can make it. This has been our routine for 11 years so now most of the kids are old enought to look after the mums….
Guest on 22/12/2013 4:29am
Whananaki Doc camp cant wait