Forecast for this evening across New Zealand – Updated 5pm Tuesday —
Northland, Auckland, Waikato. King Country
Cloudy periods, 10% chance of an isolated evening shower. Winds mostly light.
Likely midnight Temp: 15 or 16 degrees (cool to mild)
Coromandel Peninsula, Bay of Plenty, East Cape, Gisborne
Mostly clear with light winds
Likely midnight Temp: 15 or 16 degrees (cool to mild)
Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Wellington
Winds brisk in Wellington from the north to north west, with a few clouds – mostly clear with breezy nor’west breeze elsewhere.
Likely midnight Temp: 14 to 16 degrees (cool to mild)
Taranaki, Lake Taupo, Whanganui, Manawatu, Horowhenua, Kapiti
Cloudy periods and west to north west winds increasing. 25% risk of an isolated shower in Taranaki, otherwise dry.
Likely midnight Temp: 12 to 15 degrees (cool to mildl)
Nelson, Marlborough, Canterbury
Mostly clear, winds will pull to the northerly quarter by the end of the day. High cloud possible in Canterbury especially. 20% chance of a shower in Nelson region.
Likely midnight Temp: 13 to 15 degrees (cool to mild)
West Coast
Cloudy periods increasing with west to north west windst. Clouds thickening. Rain about Fiordland slowly moving northwards. Could be a few showers about this evening, a 30% chance, otherwise mostly dry.
Likely midnight Temp: 16 or 17 degrees (mild)
Southland, Otago
Fairly cloudy at times and mostly dry. Winds from the north west to north. 30% chance of a spit due to spillover from the West Coast rainband otherwise dry.
Likely midnight Temp: 11 to 14 degrees (cool to mild)
– Image / File, Chris Johnson
– (C)
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