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The Radio Network’s Weather Watch Centre would like to extend a big “Thank you” to all of those that have helped keep New Zealand running after the recent spate of severe weather.

From the Fire Service and Police to Power Contractors and Road Maintenance workers.

Images like this have been seen from one end of the country to the other this past week.  Image courtesy Downer EDI Works.

It’s been a tough week for these men and women, working long hours and through some atrocious weather conditions.

We’re sure many New Zealanders would join us in thanking everyone who has worked so hard to repair our roads, help with evacuations, and restore power.

Thank you!

The Weather Watch Team

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LJ on 4/08/2008 6:57am

yes, thank you everyone, all our roads were kept clear, the holes filled,trees cleared… and thank you to the power people too, everytime the power went off it was only for a couple of hours you must have all been running about mad!

Sandy on 3/08/2008 10:11am

I think it’s amazing and really commendable that ordinary New Zealanders are able to sacrifice their spare time and social lives to take a second…stop…and reach out to fellow Kiwis in times like these. We’ve seen the news, we know what irreparable damage has been caused, and while we may not be able to fix all the problems…we can reach out and do what we can. Let’s hope the weather gets better from here!

orie on 3/08/2008 4:39am

wow! isnt it amazing how people interact and help when there is a major civil emergency. Am proud to be a kiwi when we all pull together to help others in crisis. A big thanks goes out to ALL the men woman and children that have bent over backwards to give in one way or another during this trying time. Many hours and back breaking work by these wonderful people have helped get things back on track again, especially here in Greymouth where the community is looked after mainly by volunteers, The Firemen, St Johns etc… seriously wonderful people who in no doubt, all deserve medals!

hamio on 3/08/2008 12:48am

get a mention, as the partner of one of the workers for EDI who has been working away from home and staying up at Coromandal trying to clear slips it can get rather hard for these men being away from their families during storms, but they have a job to do. I have some great shots of my Mr and fellow work mates clearing the slip between Coromandal and Whitianga, one day off today and the men are back up there tomorrow. Power to all you guys working through this miserable weather.

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