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Obama support group send out unicorns to climate change “deniers”

As part of their push to promote President Barack Obama’s climate change agenda, the political group formed from his presidential campaign is going after Republican lawmakers who have expressed skepticism of climate change.

The group sent a message on Twitter Tuesday with a photo of a “climate denier award” trophy, topped by a unicorn. The group’s volunteers are delivering the statues to lawmakers Tuesday.
And on Monday, they issued a blunt message for followers of Obama’s own Twitter account, which the groups runs.

The effort was part of a larger push from the group to “hold members of Congress accountable for their positions on climate change,” according to a press release.

OFA said their volunteers would hold events in congressional districts of lawmakers who deny climate change to hand out the unicorn awards.

Coinciding with the Obama’s group’s push is a $2 million ad buy from the League of Conservation Voters, who said Monday they would air spots in the home states of four Republicans who have opposed Obama’s moves on climate change.

The ads will air in the districts of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, and Reps. Rodney Davis, R-Illinois, Dan Benishek, R-Michigan, and Mike Coffman, R-Colorado.

“The American people are tired of Washington politicians ignoring basic scientific facts and standing in the way of action on climate change,” Gene Karpinski, the president of the League of Conservation Voters, said in a statement. “This ad campaign shows that members of Congress won’t be able to sweep their extreme, anti-science voting records under the rug.”

Last month Obama unveiled an aggressive new climate change strategy that would limit pollution from existing coal-fired power plants, issuing directives requiring the EPA to establish carbon pollution standards for plants that are already active.

During his speech at Georgetown University, he also said he doesn’t have much patience for those who say there’s no proof of man-made climate change.

“We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society,” he said.

Republicans are sharply critical of the plans, saying they amount to a “war on coal” that would kill American jobs and make energy more expensive.



Guest on 19/08/2013 3:51am

Bring it on I say.

I love a battle with all Fascists and liars, Obama being a prime example.
Oops, oh no, now I’m AGAIN being put on the NSA I mean the GCSB list of terrorists 🙂


Guest on 19/08/2013 6:19am

He he

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