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NZ @ Noon

Today sees a new week and a similar weather pattern but hopefully for many in need of rain it’s only for another week.

Monday sees most of the country dry again apart from cloud cover with the odd drizzly patch in isolated eastern areas.

Sunshine figures for northern, western and inland areas are looking high for early to mid March but many would like to see results in the rainguage rather than from the big yellow at this point.
Perhaps this time next week could see a change on that front.

WeatherWatch comments

Dayna on the Coast had these words to say this morning about the Big Dry…
“Hokitika and surrounds are showing the signs of a long dry spell too, and it is just very weird to see and eperience such a long dry spell in this region, my thoughts are with the farmers and producers out there finding it hard out there, my fingers are crossed we see rain and lots of it soon! just hope this super dry summer/autumn dosnt mean a very cold and snow dumping winter/spring which will not aid in the conditions”.

Nathan from Gore commented today..It’s pretty dry here in Eastern Southland but my thoughts are with the cockies up north during this tough time.
The seasons are so changeable and hard to plan for. It could be droughts or next month, floods and good ol’ Kiwland continues to offer up all sorts. Hang in there North Islanders!”

WeatherWatch has 30-40% confidence of rain-bearing systems next week.


Guest on 11/03/2013 12:58am


When can we see some Rain, I am sick of this hot weather, my roses are burning up and lawns turning brown. NZ losing the name “land of the long white cloud” as I cannot see any speck of cloud in the sky.

Rain would be a welocme for many of us………

WW Forecast Team on 11/03/2013 1:22am

So many of us agree and fingers and toes crossed a lot more cloud in the sky in about a week from now 🙂

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