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Heating – What’s hot and what’s not?

With cooler nights moving across many parts of New Zealand we’d like to know what type of heating is being switched on or lit.

Are heat pumps our number one source of heating or are fires still the first choice- perhaps there are other forms that are becoming used more often?

Power bills are also a big talking point and what have you found the most economical when it comes to keeping warm?

We’ve had some mentioning lately that they haven’t had to put any heating on at all yet and yet one or two have said they have hardly turned them off since February or March.

Is it just a case of putting on an extra blanket or two and an extra layer of clothing on to keep the chill at bay?

Let us know what time you’re turning heating sources off and on, if at all, and see how it compares to the rest of the country.

At our WeatherWatch offices in Auckland and Christchurch there’s a big difference with our northern office flicking on a heat pump for an hour os so at night whereas a log fire and heat pump have been in full swing in Christchurch.

We’d  love to get your comments.




cathy on 8/05/2013 12:07pm

woodburner – nothing beats a fire ! Just started lighting late afternoon everyday in the last week – imagine will keep that up now until sep/oct (in Auckland).

Joe on 8/05/2013 5:29am

We’ve got heat pumps with a solar space heater I designed and installed on the roof, along with solar water heater which provides over 95% of our hot water year round – if these systems are designed, sized and installed properly they are fantastic! Summer electricity for three averages $45, winter $110. Figures speak for themselves. All electric, 1920’s weatherboard home with modern insulation. No fire, but I agree with the comments re the log burners they are nice to have. Now phone bill is 2-3 times the power bill… hmmm… something wrong there…

Claire on 8/05/2013 4:26am

I have several heat pumps installed throughout my Auckland house. I get 4 times the heating at about 75% of the previous cost of running a single radiator. Love them because of the ability to also cool during those uncomfortable humid summer nights.

David on 8/05/2013 3:57am

Give me a log fire any day, and install a wetback to heat the water.

Have recently moved home and have a huge gas heater, is very good at warming fast but prefer the log fire, not looking forward to power bill.


LM on 8/05/2013 2:26am

Log burner and most of the time, it’s only lit in the evenings or late afternoon if it’s really cold. Yes, I’m in Invercargill but a modern home built to catch lots of sun, makes a difference.

Ann Paratene on 8/05/2013 2:25am

We are using the heatpump now but would prefer to have a fire.

Kowiana on 8/05/2013 2:24am

After moving from overseas where we paid $30-40 a month for power, receiving a power bill of $100 for just 15 days was quite a shock. Here in Queenstown we’ve only been turning the heater on 1-2 hours before bed and using no other heating.

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