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Forecasts & Mobile service starts today!

As of today you can now keep up with the latest weather news from your Apple iPhone and iPod Touch.

We’re also launching our own Auckland weather forecasts, created exclusively for readers and listeners to radio stations EasyMix and Flava.

Both new services can be accessed by going to

The Auckland weather forecasts will be updated throughout the day, evening and weekends.

The forecasts are designed to be a little more informal than you’re used to – and we’ll try to keep them detailed but straight to the point.

On Mondays we’ll have the long range forecast for the week and upcoming weekend.  Towards the end of the week, probably on Thursdays, we’ll take a look at the start of the following week also.

We provide daily highs for the next two days and tonight’s overnight low.  If there’s any sudden change in temperatures later in the week then we’ll mention that too.

We look forward to providing these new services to you and if you have any suggestions or feedback please use the Contact Us button at the top of the page.  This is part of a trial so your comments would be much appreciated. 

In the future we obviously want to include other regions, this trial is simply our starting point.

Kind regards,

The Weather Watch team


Daniel E on 11/01/2009 10:22pm

Site is looking great guys. Like the AKL forecast, will be checking this site even more often now. 🙂

Also, any chance you’ll allow us to register usernames on this site, so it remembers us for comments?

Kathryn on 11/01/2009 7:50pm

Congratulations on getting your new forecast started!  Keep up the good work. Kathryn

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