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Flood warning for Auckland motorway users

High tides are forecast for Auckland’s harbours in the coming week, prompting a warning for people using the city’s motorways.

The NZTA says the unusually high tides for Manukau and Waitemata Harbours from Monday will have the potential to flood low-lying sections of the roading network.

State Highways manager Tommy Parker says the area most likely to be impacted is sections of the road and cycleway on the Northwestern Motorway between the Waterview Interchange and Rosebank Road.

The NZTA is planning to raise the causeway by 1.5 metres and increase the width of the motorway to provide extra lanes as part of the project to complete construction of the Western Ring Route.

– NewstalkZB

Image / Latest Image from the Nor’western motorway looking west (Updates automatically) / NZTA


Jack on 2/06/2022 10:19am

hey! nice article!

westcoast on 16/05/2011 4:04am

one thing to note for the Manukau was that the predicted high tide is for 4.1m today and tomorrow
thats a normal King tide (a spring tide is like 4.5m).
but, with the big 4.5m W swells pushing into the harbour entrance coupled with the gale onshore winds, the tide was actually more like a Spring tide of 4.4m from what I could see on the harbour beaches this morning

WW Forecast Team on 16/05/2011 4:42am

A good day for some photos maybe at high tide!

Greg on 15/05/2011 7:20am

What happened to todays storm that Metservice provided for Northland south.
Sure Wellington got it but not Auckland as stated.
680km difference between there and here.
Someone needs to take a look at what there doing

Geoff on 15/05/2011 8:05pm

Wellington is 475km from Auckland, not 680km.

680km from Auckland puts you in Canterbury!

The weather doesn’t travel by road 🙂

Guest on 15/05/2011 4:36am

The section of the northwest motorway that can get flooded during king tides is between Waterview and Rosebank, not between Rosebank and Patiki. The section between Rosebank and Patiki is about 3 metres higher than between Waterview and Rosebank, and will never be flooded by the sea.

WW Forecast Team on 15/05/2011 5:32am

In fact it’s probably several metres at the top there!  We’ve updated this story which came via NewstalkZB – and have let ZB know too!

– WW

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