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Daylight Saving poll shows NZers are divided

It appears New Zealanders are divided about when Daylight Saving should start – or if it should even happen at all according to an online poll at

The majority who have voted have said they prefer the earlier September start date – but almost as many disagree.

48% of those who voted said the earlier start date was “perfect” while 32% said it was too soon and another 12% say it shouldn’t even happen at all.

Many comments at have suggested Labour Weekend as a better starting point.

“Being part of the farming community I know first hand that the early start to daylight saving puts rural early risers back in the dark just when the mornings are starting to get lighter.  While I understand urban dwellers get very good leisure benefits, more consideration should be shown to other people in the community” wrote reader “Steve”.

While Matthew Hintzen wrote “In my opinion NZ should move to GMT+13 all year round, just seems to fit our modern lifestyle a whole lot better!”.

“I think it starts far too early. Its too hard getting up early in the morning in the dark and its still too cold to enjoy the extra hour at night anyway” wrote another guest.

Have you voted yet?  Click here to cast your vote.

– Homepage image / Chris Gin



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