As we reported this morning this afternoon is shaping up to be a hot one – and from the far north to the far south it is.
Official temperatures, which are often a few degrees cooler than your home or workplace, are already nudging the late 20s and early 30s.
Some of the highlights this hour:
Whenuapai, Hamilton, Tauranga: 25
Paeroa: 26
Gisborne, Hastings, Christchurch, Timaru: 27
Inland Wairarapa, Blenheim: 29
Wellington: 21 with a gusty northerly.
Dunedin Airport: 31
Queenstown, Gore & Invercargill: 25 with gusty winds.
Photo: A veil of high cloud over Queenstown this morning. Photo sent in by Ali Metherell.
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JohnGaul on 23/01/2009 4:57am
Today’s maximum was 31C here so Chch would of deifinately hit the 30C mark.
If not there’s something wrong somewhere?
Derek on 23/01/2009 2:54am
After a great start here in Whangarei clouds rolled in and kept the temps down plus the easterly is not helping, so not bad but coolish in the open. Pretty much a ditto day from yesterday.
Ok for working though and no rain so that’s good enough for me. Easterlies are never kind to our location in the city and I hope they soon disappear.
A few of the people who comment here mention they have home weather stations, maybe not the full kit but just temp/humidity and pressure, I am thinking along those lines myself and would appreciate some guidance on which brand does the job best.
There are a few around varying in price with wireless sensor units giving the above data so I want to get it right by getting a good reliable, not too excy unit.
Maybe you can give me some pointers yourselves also, much appreciated.