In the latest weather reporting mishap to take place around the world, a stray cat wanders onto the set during this broadcast. Not terribly amusing but interesting. Perhaps this cat is looking for a forecast of falling cheeseburgers from the sky?
At least that is what the internet tells me cats like these days.
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E Lundquist on 9/12/2012 6:29am
Sorry to seem overly picky, but, I’m just not seeing why you would use an apostrophe for the plural version of the word “cats.” A single cat is not possessing anything here. On such a lovely site as yours, and with such otherwise great info, it tends to take away just a smidgen of credibility when improper spelling is used. Perhaps it’s just an oversight… but if it was intentional, I’d suggest that you be more careful with your use of the language on what appears to be a rather professional site.
WW Forecast Team on 9/12/2012 6:43am
Yep, it was just a typo. We appreciate you bringing it to our attention.