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Aucklanders – you just experienced “Mizzle”

What do you call rain that is so light you can hardly feel it…but you’re getting wet?  Something that’s heavier than mist but lighter than drizzle? has the answer – it’s called “Mizzle”.

A term that is not technical but more a better explanation of the conditions… says when you combine mist and drizzle together you end up with what is known as mizzle – a misty drizzle that is very light.

Mizzle may wet your skin and your windscreen – but is unlikely to really wet the road.

Some Aucklanders today experienced mizzle.

A quick Google search for ‘Mizzle’ doesn’t come up with too many scientific matches however.  

A search inside the weather website giant came up with “No matches”.

However the Urban Dictionary – an online dictionary where you get to come up with your own words and definitions – describes mizzle as “A type of weather between mist and drizzle; very fine, almost cloud-like, rain”.  

It gives an example of how you might use it in a sentence.  “I hate this mizzle; I’d rather it rained properly!”.

The Urban Dictionary also suggests the word has many other meanings – including this odd one “Mizzle – a fat sister in law. She is a hefty heifer with chubby hooves. Her girth alone is enough to cause panic in almost any city”.   Or used in a sentence “Last night I was enjoying the peace and quiet when that massive mizzle showed up and ruined my evening”.

I guess you could say that either way, ‘mizzle’ appears to be something people see as a negative!


Image / Misty conditions – Laura Jerome


Janet on 23/11/2010 8:23am

I’ve always known it as a Scotch Mist!

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