7/05/2020 7:33pm
Despite warnings as early as spring 2019 from WeatherWatch.co.nz about a dry start to 2020 Auckland water restrictions are only now coming in to play in mid May 2020.
With Covid-19 already making so many changes to our everyday lives we thought we’d tackle this water shortage issue in a positive way – by framing it as “just another thing” to regulate slightly so we can all continue to enjoy supply.
If everyone does a small part it all ads up. With many of us at home more now we’ll be using more water – just think about the extra dishes we have now, or the fact many of us can take a shower without the same time pressures.
So here are our basic tips to cut back – but without feeling the pain:
WeatherWatch.co.nz will be issuing our next Climate Outlook on Monday. This will be taking a look at the rainfall chances for northern NZ heading into winter.
While there are some chances of sub-tropical rain in the north next week there is only moderate confidence of soaking rains making it into the Auckland region.
Beyond that we still see a lot of high pressure out of Australia – as their big dry increases again.
While rain has fallen recently it does not even come close to making up for the rainfall deficit Auckland and other northern regions have been in now for over a year.
*WeatherWatch.co.nz has reached out to mayor Phil Goff and Auckland Council a number of times over recent months regarding water and long range forecasting. They have so far not returned our messages or acknowledged them.
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