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Are Kiwi’s the most passionate weather buffs?

It seems that weather plays a significant part in our lives for various reasons and we’re also quite happy to talk about it.

Whether it’s taking the kids to school, going to work and wondering what the weather will be like, heading off for a walk, jog or bikeride…there are all sorts of reasons on why weather comes to mind but it seems we chat about the weather more than most other countries as well.

Across the ditch it doesn’t appear to be a daily chat in the north and west but perhaps it’s because the temperatures are either hot or hotter.
In equatorial climates there’s not a lot to rave about as it’s often much the same for days, weeks and even seasons on end.

In the UK there’s quite a bit of lively discussion but is that because it’s so changeable and a lot like New Zealand?

The USA has bigger and better weather than anywhere else and is it the extreme conditions that seem to grab the headlines more than the normal day to day stuff there?

We love our weather here and recently a poll was conducted about where we rate our weather against news, sport, entertainment, financial information, housing markets etc and it came out a little above the news and in the number one category.

Not that we here at mind at all and we always welcome your views and comments whether it’s about stories, forecasts or whatever.

We’d like to leave you with this and it’s a little catchy…
Whether the weather is hot, Whether the weather is not, We’ll weather the weather, Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not! 



CFJ on 13/02/2013 5:56am

I reckon a TV series on weather would go down really well in this country – if it was on at a decent hour. Probably be as popular and as long running as Country Calendar, if not even more so. NZ is an oddball country weather wise. bit like being kept in the dark and fed bullshit. The TV weather is read out as though it is a race commentary, as in let’s get that over & done with. I rarely watch it. Yet so many people talk about weather. The US weather is very popular here, even my elderly parents like the Tornado Chaser series, almost everyone I know does. Yet yesterday there was a supercell in Marlborough which had nice meso circulation and not a word of it was mentioned by media. Just a fleeting comment on the weather that a thunderstorm was heading off towards the Marlborough coast and there seemed to be worry that it might reach Wellington. Wop dee do indeed. I watched it on Met’s radar with the comma signature, and later saw pix of the supercell and meso. A programme explaining things like this would be choice. NZ’s weather is varied enough to run a TV series and Oz has some pretty choice stuff if they got short of stories. Met Weather Channel which shows nothing but repeated forecasts .. nah.

David on 12/02/2013 2:19am

Gee ww, I last heard that phrase from Jim ??? on 2ZB in the early 70’s here in Wellington.

Weather the weather is fine, weather the weather is not, heres the weather we’ve got, weather you like it or not.

Cheers David.

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