As predicted yesterday a second tropical cyclone has formed overnight. Tropical cyclone Zelia, currently category 1 status with winds averaging over 65km/h and gusting over 100km/h has formed in the northern Coral Sea, northeast of Cairns.
The tropical cyclone is expected to move south east quickly this weekend and says rapid intensification is expected.
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology predicts the cyclone will reach “severe” status on Sunday when it becomes a category 3 cyclone as it quickly moves towards the northern Tasman Sea.
Zelia is likely to be absorbed by the remnants of Cyclone of Vania.
While it sounds severe the combined tropical lows may simply create a larger area of rain and wind.
Like Vania, the cyclone is likely to weaken significantly before reaching New Zealand however forecasters urge those in northern and western parts of both islands to be aware of the two systems moving our way next week.
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sohar123 on 14/01/2011 8:08pm
hi philip if Zelia and Vania do meet and form one will they not be stronger
And why is it that the main stream weather boys take so long to let news like this get out
WW Forecast Team on 14/01/2011 9:50pm
Hi there – when the two systems meet up they will both be going through a major transformation from tropical system to extra-tropical. This means the entire structure of the system changes and the isobars slowly unravel (Bob McDavitt used that term yesterday and he said I could use that line today!).
As far as the other weather organisations go, it’s because they don’t focus on news and they also have less emphasis on the "what ifs".