> From the WeatherWatch archives
All the weather news has been about the top third of New Zealand so far this week but now WeatherWatch.co.nz forecasters turn their attention to the other two thirds thanks to a giant Antarctic low.
While the centre of the low isn’t expected to move over land the strongest winds and heaviest rain outside the centre will affect much of the South Island and as far north as Taranaki.
Our government forecaster has “high confidence” of heavy rain across the entire West Coast starting Thursday in the south and lasting until Sunday further north. Over the weekend they have “moderate confidence” of heavy rain around Nelson, northern Marlborough, the Tararua Ranges and Taranaki. They rate the chance of severe gales in Wellington and Wairarapa this weekend as “moderate”.
WeatherWatch.co.nz believes gales are likely in eastern parts of the South Island and also in Wellington and Wairarapa however it’s too early to know if the winds will be damaging.
The low is expected to stay well south of New Zealand which will minimise wind damage. The wind direction will also mean the rain should be mostly confined to less populated regions.
Rain from the deep low is likely to reach as far north as Auckland overnight Sunday/early Monday however it isn’t expected to add up to much.
The north west flow that will cover much of the country may be a welcome relief for many who haven’t enjoyed the early start to winter this week. Temperatures in northern and eastern parts of the country are predicted to rise into the late teens, possibly as far south as Canterbury.
Before you add a new comment, take note this story was published on 12 May 2009.
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Karen & James on 13/05/2009 12:00am
We just don’t want the wet weather, take it back! its dull and gloomy and cold, windy and the roads are greasy, its not nice to lay concrete drive. How long did you say we will be stuck with this?
WW Forecast Team on 13/05/2009 1:08am
Depends on where you are?
karen & James on 13/05/2009 2:26am
We are at Rongotea
WW Forecast Team on 13/05/2009 2:50am
It does look as though you could get some heavy rain on either Friday or in the weekend… and showers next week. Maybe the nor’wester tomorrow will help dry things out a little!
Weather Watch Team
karen & James on 13/05/2009 3:09am
golly your all heart.. Send the tarps down here.. .. the concrete is down and the northwester is not what we want either… Cant please everyone (lol)
SW on 13/05/2009 3:57am
NWers in the Manawatu are 2 different kinds,ie the one this weekend is really a standard westerly with cloud and showers and wind,the second kind is derived from a high to the east which is really a NE over the top part of the country associated with a tasman low and is a warm and often dry wind.