It’s not often South Islanders can rub it in about how good their weather is in Winter, but this year the South Island certainly has seen a run of stunning weather that has put the North Island to shame.
Oddly, it’s been Southland – the closest region to the South Pole – that has seen the best weather, according to many. Clear skies, big blue skies, and frosty mornings. Apart from low overnight temperatures, no severe weather to talk of.
Central Otago has also seen some magnificent weather lately – and while no more snow has fallen on the ski fields the night and even daytime temperatures shouldn’t have done much to erode what is currently there. Daytime highs in Central Otago have struggled to climb much over a few degrees lately.
The light winds and clear skies have also given regions hit hard by flooding at the start of winter a chance to somewhat dry out.
The long range forecast looks similar too – with highs continuing the trend over the South Island for the next week.
However some models are indicating a Tasman Sea low mid way through next week may finally put an end to the run of frosty, still, weather.
Image / Frost up close, Laura Jerome
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