It’s not everyday someone uploads a photo to our gallery of whales and cows – but yesterday that’s just what happened! reader Lindy Payne took this photo on Monday morning at Clarks Beach, showing a pod of whales moving very near the shoreline. Neither the cows or the whales seem interested in each other!
Great photo Lindy, thanks for sending it in to us.
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Guest on 31/05/2011 2:35am
Wow! What an amazing photo! Love it 🙂
Zelda Wynn on 30/05/2011 11:35pm
Lovely scene, Lindy! even has 2 gulls in the pic.
Lindy Payne on 31/05/2011 2:11am
Thanks to Weather Watch and Zelda for your kind comments. It was indeed a great experience to be able to photograph them.