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Photo – Just what the heck is this?

A reader from Christchurch captured this strange streak of light in the sky over the city this morning.

Chelsea McGaw says she saw this “thing” falling from the sky at around 7:30am.

“I have no idea what it was and can’t find any info on it but it must’ve been a satellite or meteor or something falling and burning through the atmosphere!”. 

Chelsea said it had a bright aura to it. 

Thanks for uploading the photo Chelsea!

Meteor?? Satellite??

Did you see this too?  Post a comment below


Chelsea on 31/07/2011 3:02am

I had absolutely no idea what it was. I didnt think it was a plane trail cos it started up really really high above the moon then over about 3 mins fell downwards, i thought it was odd that it went pretty much straight downwards as well, if it was a plane I dont think it would just drop like that?? But i am not an expert, could be wrong!! It looked cool whatever it was 🙂 I would be quite interested to know exactly what it was!!

fabien on 28/07/2011 12:47pm

question, do these fire balls disintegrate before they impact or what,is it a meteorite?

Guest on 28/07/2011 9:20am

looks to me like a plane and with the early hours the sun is shining on the under side (the side we see) of the vapour trail. Only a short vapour trial which is probably more common than not.

Zelda Wynn on 28/07/2011 10:43am

Looks like a vapour trail left by plane. Got an image the other night looking exactly the same.

Sue on 28/07/2011 7:14am

I saw two of these in the night sky last night – within about two minutes of each other about 8-9 last night.

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