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Hot, Sunny & Get Used To It

12 Noon Update

Temperatures are again soaring towards 30 today under mostly clear skies and hot winds.

As of 11:30am it was already 27 degrees in Gisborne, 26 in Hastings, 24 in Christchurch, Timaru & Oamaru, 23 in Palmerston North and 22 in Tauranga and Whitianga.  In Auckland it’s 21 and climbing with some places likely to reach 24 or even 25 by the end of the day.

“Summer has arrived and it’s arrived with a punch” says head weather analyst Philip Duncan.  “Even the so called ‘wet’ areas are starting to dry out with the grass starting to turn brown”.

2008 is ending on a hot and dry note as large highs in the north and hot northerlies everwhere else continue to dry New Zealand out and send temperatures rocketing to 30 and the late 20s.

According to’s Daily Debrief yesterday’s high went to Hastings with 30 degrees, with 28 in Gisborne, 27 in Napier and 26 in both Tauranga and Christchurch.

Mr Duncan says most of the North Island is beginning to get hot now with big temperatures continuing in the South Island’s east and north.

“The longest day of the year isn’t for another 2 and a half weeks and it’s not until after that, that typically the hot weather peaks – usually a further 8 weeks later in February”.

Even our evenings are remaining hot.   Yesterday at 6pm it was still 25 degrees across the Waikato and Coromandel, 24 in Wanganui, 26 in Gisborne and Christchurch and 23 in Auckland and Timaru.

Despite a number of current heavy rain warnings by our government forecaster most of the wet stuff won’t reach dry farms across the country.  “The bulk of the rain is being confined to the western half of the South Island”.

Mr Duncan says if the weather patterns of November and early December continue for the remainder of the month Christmas should be a sunny and hot one. 

“Of course that’s only guessing so early in the month but certainly we’re in a pattern for a hot, dry, end to 2008/start to 2009”.

Today temperatures are again expected to reach 30 degrees inland across the east of both islands with highs in the mid to upper 20s for much of the country.


HMT on 4/12/2008 8:02am

Wellington seems to have been missing out on the warm and clear weather much of the rest of the country has been getting this week. Each day has seen mostly grey overcast conditions with strong, in some cases extremely gusty, nor-westers, which haven’t had much warmth to them at all. The pattern hasn’t seemed to change for 3 days. Are we likely to see any improvement soon? I see there is a southerly predicted to come through overnight. If so it would be a pleasant change from these horrible nor-westers!

WW Forecast Team on 4/12/2008 8:17am

I think it was Monday that I said you could pretty much draw a line over the lower North Island – above that it’s like summer, below that (including Wellington) it’s like Spring.  Those lows in the Southern Ocean are still pushing against the highs in the north and unfortauntely you’re smack bang in the middle!

I’m thinking the next couple weeks could stay quite windy but the good news is that as Summer really sets in then those winds will ease.  Once those highs move into more Central New Zealand you’ll get some brilliant days!  Just a matter of "when"!


Philip Duncan

Derek Butcher on 4/12/2008 3:11am

Pretty warm here in Whangarei as well, do not have a temp guage outside to monitor it but we are definately up there with the rest of them.

WW Forecast Team on 4/12/2008 3:42am

24 in Whangarei at the moment – prob feels closer to 30 with humidity.



Derek Butcher on 4/12/2008 4:33am

Not sure on humidity Phil, the local weather underground site situated in Kensington, Whangarei is giving a humidity of only 34%, It does not feel humid out there. very pleasant actually, gone somewhat cloudy with some predictions of rain tomorrow.
I am not really in agreement with the 34%, thats very dry, especially up this way. Think maybe they have the figures wrong. Could be around the 60% or so but certainly not what we call humid.


WW Forecast Team on 4/12/2008 8:00am

Govt weather stations between Auckland and Whangarei show humidity currently around 60 to 85%…. with the humidex, 24 degrees becomes 28 to 32 degrees. 

I agree with you though – that it’s not what we in the north would call Humid and yep I agree it’s certainly pleasant.  But once you start exercising just a little you’ll find you’ll start sweating quite fast.   Anything over 60% really is quite noticeable in this heat.

Cheers mate


Guest Kerry on 3/12/2008 8:18pm

9.15am 23.7degrees, lots of suntan cream already..

Kerry Coopers Beach

SW on 3/12/2008 6:09pm

Its good in the cities to be like this but hopefully enough rain without the nasty wind would be the best mix.

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