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Developments in the north & south forecasters are watching two weather systems moving in to both ends of the country over the next couple of days.

On the latest satellite map the two systems can be clearly seen pushing in from the north east and south west.

A ridge of high pressure will remain over New Zealand today bringing mostly sunny, dry, weather however tomorrow a front moving in from the south west will bring heavy rain to the West Coast.  MetService has high confidence that rain warnings will be issued.

Meanwhile a rapidly deepening sub-tropical low will descend on the North Island this weekend bringing yet more heavy rain to drenched regions and strong winds, possibly gale force. says the northern low has the most potential to cause flooding and bring down trees and advises all New Zealanders north of Central Plateau to be aware of the latest weather news and forecasts.

Extra updates will be provided across the weekend.


Leighton on 17/06/2010 2:31am

It really does seem that the models are very unsure of what is happening in the next few days. Messy from the tropics, messy in the Tasman and messy in the southern ocean! With this sort of set up would you think its possible of a warm advection snow event for Canterbury, The reason i say that is blue skies are going for snow to low levels for 2 -3 days and if the subtropical low meets up with the southerly blast could be interesting? Your thoughts?

Daniel on 17/06/2010 4:51am

Hi phil , agree with leighton whats your thoughts on this one , its seems as computor models are not sure an keep changing could be one to watch over the coming days thats for sure . Do you reckon there might be some heavy snow in places if the two systems collid ? cheers Daniel

WW Forecast Team on 17/06/2010 5:20am

Hi guys,

At this stage we don’t think it will be cold enough to produce snow to low levels.  Highs still around 9 or 10 early next week… not southerly enough either.  Just our thoughts and of course, as you both point out, the models aren’t too confident at the moment. 

Our data has gained more confidence this evening for rain in the north of NZ but still not as confident as MetService.

Will be interesting to see how Friday’s updates pan out!



Daniel on 17/06/2010 11:05am

Yea for sure will be interesting ok cheers for that will wait an see happens .Daniel

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