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Cool Video: Auckland’s stunning 24 hours in 5 seconds

These images are from wowstockfootage’s Auckland webcam taken yesterday during Auckland’s hottest day since April.

You can check out the weather in Auckland City at any time by visiting their camera here.



tania on 18/11/2010 7:09pm

Haha, just goes to show how Auckland doesn’t often get sunny and warm days. Poor things 😉

Dave on 19/11/2010 1:57am

try spend a summer up here without air conditioning and I think your opinion could change maybe 😉

Guest on 18/11/2010 12:15am

I realise it was hot up there in auckland yesterday but there was nothing mentioned on this site about christchurch getting to 31 degrees on tuesday. info from

WW Forecast Team on 18/11/2010 1:53am

Hi there – fair point you raise. 

We usually try and always go off the official government sites, purely for consistency in our stories. 

In saying that Jeffsweather is very reliable and we have quoted his station in the past before.  Lately we’ve had a large focus on Canterbury in our stories so we feel like we’ve covered the recent heat there fairly well..

25 in Auckland yesterday, along with humidity, made for a hot day for 1.4 million people living here.

– WeatherWatch

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