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Canty shivers through cold week and more to come

Although the sun broke through in Christchurch today for the first time in a few days, the city and the province has really seen temperatures close to winter levels during the day.

Temperatures up to 10 degrees below average have been recorded this week and dull skies with patchy drizzle and rain combined with cold southerly brrezes have made it feel more like August than October.

On Tuesday much of the region climbed to a mere 7 or 8 degrees and with the windchill thrown in, it felt more like 4 or 5 degrees for much of the day.Today the temperatures climbed into double figures and the pleasant sunshine dried out roads and gardens and footy fields in many areas.

It seems it’s not all quite over yet either with another southerly due to hit in about 24-36 hours fro now delivering cold and showery conditions with some snow possible about the higher parts of Banks Peninsula.
Conditions on saturday morning look quite bleak for sport and but skies should clear in the afternoon and evening with a cold Saturday night likely. 

On the other side of the alps, West Coasters have enjoyed plenty of sunshine this week with mild temperatures and any breezes blowing have felt rather warm.

Next week it seems that it will be role reversal with cloud and cool temperatures expected in the west while warmer northerlies could see Cantabrians into the low 20s for a time midweek.


Peter of Dunedin on 6/10/2011 5:28am

Whilst Canterbury shivered in the wet, we in Otago simply shivered and shrivelled from cold tempereatures and no, I repeat , no rain. NZ Met. Service and I think yourself kept pushing the showers down here in your forecasts – but it never eventuated. Sadly Dunedin lacks a reliable reporting base including no weather radar. Present weather reports relayed by various media are in the main abysmal. We down here are in the grip of a serious drought that no-one further north have clicked on to yet. We need reliable weather reports, forecasts and climate forecasts – please take note and give us much more improved information. Tell NZ Met. Service and NIWA to take a good hard look at the service/lack of service they are giving us in the South.

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