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A touch of frost – #WeatherRisks and your main centre outlook

A ridge of high pressure, coming in from a large anticyclone in the Tasman Sea is creating clear, calm and cool conditions around the country this morning – meaning a reasonable day for pretty much everyone in the middle two-thirds of New Zealand.

There’s a touch of light frost both morning and night, anywhere from Waikato southwards, and mainly about sheltered and inland areas.

Other than that, it’s looking risk-free for most of the country.

Main Centres


A sunny start to the day, while southerly winds tend easterly later, and temperatures hovering around the mid teens.


Mostly sunny through much of the day with light winds in the morning, and afternoon southerlies picking up – temperatures not quite reaching the teens.


A sunny start in the morning here too, though a few clouds move in from midday, as southerly winds pick up for a time later on. Temperatures in the low double figures.

– Aaron Wilkinson & Drew Chappell,

– Photo: Zelda Wynn


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