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POLL: Should we shift the date of our summer holidays?

Vote in our poll! — OK, so firstly let’s realise that not every summer is like this one, but the recent rain and cold weather across many parts of the country does highlight that New Zealanders take their main national summer holidays at a time when summer has barely started.

In fact many scientists and meteorologists don’t consider summer officially starting until after the solstice, which is around December 21st.

So why does New Zealand celebrate the summer holidays so early – and should we keep it this way?  Clearly the current set up is linked in with our 4 stat holidays over Christmas and New Year.

But is this the best time to be taking our break? says, weatherwise, it isn’t. 

Our best weather for camping, swimming and being outdoors is usually in February.  School also starts in February and most of us remember the hot days sitting in classrooms without air conditioning – arguably not a great learning environment.

So we want to know – is it worth having all our stat holidays over December and New Year – or should New Zealand look at shifting our national “summer shut down period” until January or February.

Vote in our poll below!

– Homepage image / File, Foehn Mackenzie

When should we have our national summer holidays?


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